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NSPM in English
NSPM in English

With Christine Lagarde, US Corporations Enter the French Government

Voltaire Network   
уторак, 17. мај 2011.

Christine Lagarde promised to carry out a reform of labor law. Lagarde made big efforts to impose the Anglo-Saxon labor law model in Central and East Europe. Her goal was to promote the interests of the US firms, not those of the Old Europe.

NSPM in English

IMF chief Strauss-Kahn caught in "Honey Trap"

Mike Whitney   
уторак, 17. мај 2011.

Strauss-Kahn broke ranks and ventured into no man's land. That's why he was set up and then crushed like a bug. He has been replaced by the IMF's number 2 guy, John Lipsky, former Vice Chairman of the JPMorgan Investment Bank. How's that for "change you can believe in"?

NSPM in English

France Falls Again

Doug Bandow   
недеља, 08. мај 2011.

When Napoleon Bonaparte spoke, countries listened. When today’s Napoleon-wannabe speaks, people snicker

NSPM in English

The three US crises: Budget, T-Bonds and Dollar

понедељак, 25. април 2011.

This triple US crisis will mark the true exit from the "world after 1945" which saw the US play the role of Atlas and will, therefore, be marked by many shocks and aftershocks in the quarters which follow. New California governor Jerry Brown believes that the USA is facing a regime crisis identical to that which led to the Civil War

NSPM in English

Leninism in the Balkans

Gordon N. Bardos   
четвртак, 07. април 2011.

We know of course how that story ended, and the problems, abuses, and crimes that Lenin and his followers ultimately caused throughout much of the world. Sadly, however, much of our approach to the Balkans is often guided by the same mindset.

NSPM in English

The End of Nonproliferation

Doug Bandow   
уторак, 05. април 2011.

Thanks to the Libya intervention, no foreign government can feel safe from the West's born-again nation builders. And from North Korea to Iran to Syria that means one thing: nukes

NSPM in English

Libyan Odyssey and the Dawn of a New Serbian Public Opinion

Nikola Tanasić   
недеља, 03. април 2011.

Their categoricalness and bravery today represents, for the umpteenth time in our history, a pledge for the future, thanks to which our children won’t have to blush when someone asks them: “Do you remember Libya?”.

NSPM in English

Riyadh Scores One for Tehran

Doug Bandow   
уторак, 29. март 2011.

Libya was an easier case, at least in the U.S., since American support for Muammar Qaddafi was minimal. The real test of American commitment to democracy is long-time ally Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, Riyadh also is essentially a totalitarian theocracy.

NSPM in English

Tony Blair's Kiss of Death

Geoffrey Wheatcroft   
субота, 26. март 2011.

What Cameron was doing was either very brave or very foolhardy, said Hastings, adding that “If I had any doubts, when David Cameron received the endorsement of Tony Blair, that was the prospective kiss of death.” Looking an awful lot like Blair and the Iraq adventure

NSPM in English

24 March 1999: Remembering the NATO led War on Yugoslavia

Michel Chossudovsky   
среда, 23. март 2011.

Twelve years ago, March 24th 1999, marks the commencement of NATO's aerial bombardment of Yugoslavia, were followed by the illegal occupation of the province of Kosovo. In the course of the last week the so-called international community has called for the bombing of Libya

NSPM in English

The Strauss Kahn Frame-Up

Paul Craig Roberts   
уторак, 17. мај 2011.

Perhaps the most dangerous black mark in Strauss-Kahn’s book is that he was far ahead of America’s French puppet, President Sarkozy, in the upcoming French elections. Strauss-Kahn simply had to be eliminated.

NSPM in English

My Reaction to Osama bin Laden’s Death

Noam Chomsky   
недеља, 08. мај 2011.

We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic.

NSPM in English

Geopolitics and the World's Gold Holdings

Michel Chossudovsky   
понедељак, 25. април 2011.

Physical gold holdings constitute a crucial geopolitical variable in the confrontation between competing economic powers. They are also central to an understanding of the debt crisis. Large amounts of US dollar denominated debt instruments have been converted into gold.

NSPM in English

Get Ready for the Meltdown of the US Treasury Bond Market

четвртак, 07. април 2011.

Our team believes that this new situation which is asserting itself during the first quarter of 2011, carries the seeds for the collapse of the US Treasury Bond market in the second half of 2011, a market that now has only a single buyer: the US Federal Reserve.

NSPM in English

Text of New Qaddafi Letter to Obama

Associated Press   
среда, 06. април 2011.

This country had already been subjected to embargo and sanctions, furthermore it also suffered a direct military armed aggression during Reagan’s time. And for the sake of economic, and security cooperation against terror, you are in a position to keep Nato off the Libyan affair for good.

NSPM in English

Odyssey Dawn and Twilight of Civilization – a View from Serbia

Đorđe Vukadinović   
недеља, 03. април 2011.

Strangely enough, this time we haven’t had time to disgrace ourselves, although it is still not too late, or at least our disgrace is still small when compared to the disgrace of the great ones and the West.

NSPM in English

How will America handle the fall of its Middle East empire?

Peter Oborne   
недеља, 03. април 2011.

Empires can collapse in the course of a generation. Today, it is reasonable to ask whether the United States, seemingly invincible a decade ago, will follow the same trajectory.

NSPM in English

Why are we making war against Libya - Real and False Reasons

Diana Johnstone   
субота, 26. март 2011.

While the Arab League’s self-serving stance against Kadhafi was hailed in the West, little attention was paid to the African Union’s unanimous opposition to war against the Libyan leader.

NSPM in English

Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons?

Peter Dale Scott   
субота, 26. март 2011.

America now bombing Libya. The initially stated aim of this bombing was to diminish Libyan civilian casualties. I wish to begin with two ill-understood topics: I. Who Are the Libyan Opposition, and II. Where Are the Libyan Rebel Arms Coming From?

NSPM in English

Another War of Choice

Ted Galen Carpenter   
субота, 19. март 2011.

Libya: the crisis least relevant to America's interests. Yet still we walk into the many traps. U.S. are in danger of stumbling into a situation in which they are almost certain to acquire new enemies. That is the last thing that America needs.

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