Početna strana > Rubrike > Dokumenti > "Evropski predlog Sporazuma o normalizaciji odnosa između Kosova i Srbije"

"Evropski predlog Sporazuma o normalizaciji odnosa između Kosova i Srbije"

PDF Štampa El. pošta
ponedeljak, 27. februar 2023.

The Contracting Parties,

Conscious of their responsibility for the preservation of peace,

Committed to contribute to fruitful regional co-operation and security in Europe and to overcome the legacy of the past,

Aware that the inviolability of frontiers and respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty and the protection of national minorities are a basic condition for peace,

Proceeding from the historical facts and without prejudice to the different view of the Parties on fundamental questions, including on status questions,

Desirous to create the conditions for cooperation between the Parties for the benefit of the people,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties shall develop normal, good-neighbourly relations with each other on the basis of equal rights.

Both Parties shall mutually recognise their respective documents and national symbols, including passports, diplomas, licence plates, and customs stamps.

Article 2

Both Parties will be guided by the aims and principles laid down in the United Nations Charter, especially those of the sovereign equality of all States, respect for their independence, autonomy and territorial integrity, the right of self-determination, the protection of human rights, and non-discrimination.

Article 3

In conformity with the United Nations Charter, the Parties shall settle any disputes between them exclusively by peaceful means and refrain from the threat or use of force.

Article 4

The Parties proceed on the assumption that neither of the two can represent the other in the international sphere or act on its behalf.

Serbia will not object to Kosovo’s membership in any international organisation.

Article 5

Neither Party will block, nor encourage others to block, the other Party’s progress in their respective EU path based on their own merits. Both Parties shall respect the values referred to in Articles 2 and 21 of the Treaty of the European Union.

Article 6

While the present Agreement constitutes an important step of normalization, both Parties will continue with new impetus the EU-led Dialogue process which should lead to a legally binding agreement on comprehensive normalization of their relations.

The Parties agree to deepen future cooperation in the fields of economy, science and technology, transport and connectivity, judicial and law enforcement relations, posts and telecommunications, health, culture, religion, sport, environmental protection, missing persons, displaced persons and other similar areas through the conclusion of specific agreements.

The details will be agreed in additional agreements facilitated by the EU-led Dialogue.

Article 7

Both Parties commit to establish specific arrangements and guarantees, in accordance with relevant Council of Europe instruments and by drawing on existing European experiences, to ensure an appropriate level of self-management for the Serbian community in Kosovo and ability for service provision in specific areas, including the possibility for financial support by Serbia and a direct communication channel for the Serbian community to the Government of Kosovo.

The Parties shall formalise the status of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and afford strong level of protection to the Serbian religious and cultural heritage sites, in line with existing European models.

Article 8

The Parties shall exchange Permanent Missions. They shall be established at the respective Government's seat.

Practical questions relating to the establishment of the Missions shall be dealt with separately.

Article 9

Both Parties take note of the EU’s and other donors’ commitment to establish a special investment and financial support package for joint projects of the Parties in economic development, connectivity, green transition and other key areas.

Article 10

The Parties shall establish a joint Committee, chaired by the EU, for monitoring the implementation of this Agreement.

Both Parties confirm their obligation to implement all past Dialogue agreements, which remain valid and binding.

Article 11

Both Parties commit to respect the Implementation Roadmap annexed to this Agreement.

Dijalog Beograda i Prištine: Predlog EU – Sporazum o normalizaciji odnosa između Kosova i Srbije

Ugovorne strane,

Svesni svoje odgovornosti za očuvanje mira,

Posvećeni doprinosu plodonosnoj regionalnoj saradnji i bezbednosti u Evropi i prevazilaženju nasleđa prošlosti,

Svesni da su nepovredivost granica i poštovanje teritorijalnog integriteta i suvereniteta i zaštita nacionalnih manjina osnovni uslov za mir,

Polazeći od istorijskih činjenica i ne dovodeći u pitanje različita gledišta Strana o osnovnim pitanjima, uključujući i statusna pitanja,

U želji da stvore uslove za saradnju između Strana u korist naroda,

Dogovorili su se kako sledi:

Član 1

Stranke će međusobno razvijati normalne, dobrosusedske odnose na bazi jednakih prava.

Obe strane će međusobno priznati relevantna dokumenta i nacionalne simbole, uključujući pasoše, diplome, tablice vozila i carinske pečate.

Član 2

Obe strane će se rukovoditi svrhom i principima utvrđenim u Povelji Ujedinjenih nacija, posebno onim o suverenim pravima država, poštovanju njihove nezavisnosti, autonomije i teritorijalnog integriteta, pravu na samoopredeljenje i zaštiti ljudskih prava i nediskriminacije.

Član 3

U skladu sa Poveljom Ujedinjenih nacija, strane će sve međusobne sporove rešavati samo mirnim sredstvima i uzdržaće se od pretnje ili upotrebe sile.

Član 4

Stranke polaze od pretpostavke da nijedna od njih ne može predstavljati drugu stranu u međunarodnoj sferi ili delovati u njeno ime.

Srbija se neće protiviti članstvu Kosova u bilo kojoj međunarodnoj organizaciji.

Član 5

Obe strane će podržati njihove težnje da postanu članice Evropske unije.

Član 6

Iako ovaj osnovni sporazum predstavlja važan korak u normalizaciji, obe strane će nastaviti proces dijaloga koji vodi EU novim zamahom, što će dovesti do pravno obavezujućeg, sveobuhvatnog sporazuma za normalizaciju odnosa.

Strane su saglasne da će u budućnosti produbljivati saradnju u oblastima privrede, nauke i tehnologije, saobraćaja i povezanosti, odnosa u pravosuđu i provođenju zakona, pošte i telekomunikacija, zdravstva, kulture, vere, sporta, zaštite životne sredine, nestalih lica. i druge oblasti. slično kroz postizanje konkretnih sporazuma

Član 7

Obostrano se zalaže za postizanje konkretnih aranžmana, u skladu sa relevantnim instrumentima Saveta Evrope i korišćenjem postojećih evropskih iskustava, kako bi se obezbedio odgovarajući nivo samouprave za srpsku zajednicu na Kosovu i mogućnost pružanja usluga na Kosovu. Kosovo. neke specifične oblasti, uključujući mogućnost finansijske pomoći Srbije i direktne kanale komunikacije između srpske zajednice i Vlade Kosova.

Stranke će formalizovati status Srpske pravoslavne crkve na Kosovu i obezbediti visok nivo zaštite srpskog verskog i kulturnog nasleđa, u skladu sa postojećim evropskim modelima.

Član 8

Stranke će razmeniti stalne misije. Oni će se nalaziti u sedištu dotične vlade.

Praktična pitanja u vezi sa raspoređivanjem misija biće obrađena posebno.

Član 9

Obostrano je konstatovana posvećenost EU i drugih donatora da kreiraju poseban paket finansijske pomoći za zajedničke projekte stranaka za ekonomski razvoj, povezanost, zelenu tranziciju i druge ključne oblasti.

Član 10

Strane će uspostaviti zajedničku komisiju, kojom će predsedavati EU, koja će pratiti sprovođenje ovog sporazuma.

Obe strane potvrđuju svoje obaveze za sprovođenje svih prethodnih sporazuma.

Član 11

Obe strane se obavezuju da će poštovati Mapa puta za implementaciju priloženu ovom sporazumu.




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