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Egypt, Serbia, Georgia – Learning From Others' Mistakes

1 četvrtak, 03 mart 2011 21:44
Some years ago I was invited at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague, where a conference was held about the Otpor-style revolutions in Eastern Europe (organised by the so-called Alfred Mozer Stichting).
One of the international participants, whose name I can't recall at this moment, asked the audience the following question: "Why is there no revolution in the United States"?

The participants laughed and agreed at the same time as they heard the answer: "Because there is no American embassy in the United States".
2 subota, 05 mart 2011 02:59
As always,... for all things 'revolutionary', and oblivious to the reality of things, and what people really need. 'Democracy' can work just fine when people are informed, interested enough, and involved. And not to mention, capable of analyzing their politicians, and determining what needs to be done, who can do it, and voting accordingly. Alas, if people were all that we'd all be political analysts, and that would be the end of all our problems; bit we're not. Most voters (if, indeed, they even vote)are incapable of comprehending and looking past all the slogans and empty promises. They are incapable of choosing right, and hence lies the problem, and truth, of is 'democracy'. Just a childish idea, that needs to come to an end. What is needed is government that is led by morality, duty, and conviction, not one that has no other preoccupation but getting reelected.
3 utorak, 08 mart 2011 22:23
I could not agree more with the author on this point: it does not go without saying that because a dictatorship is overthrown what follows is prosperity. It is bitterly true that Serbia found this out the hard way and that disappointment with all the post-2000 'democratic' governments is ubiquitous. They ravaged the country's economy, even territory(!), to serve the interests of groups that had financed their revolution.

No revolution can just 'happen', no matter how great the disappointment with a government is. It seems to be always financed by different interest groups. And interest groups are just that - individuals fighting for their own interests, not for a better life of all or indeed any idealistic goal whatsoever.


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