Oni koji imaju moc poseduju i medije a samim tim uposljavaju vojsku `laptop bombardera` ciji je zadatak da zasipaju dezinformacijama javno mnjenje i tako ih drze u mraku. Sreca je da postoje i oni novinari ciji laptopovi ne rade kao bombarderi za manipulaciju javnog mnjenja, vec pomazu da se stvari sagledaju daleko pravednije.
Those who have the power, own the mass media and thus employ the army of `laptop bombardiers` whose task is to flood the public by desinformation keeping people`s mind in the dark. It is a luck to have journalists whose laptops do not work as `bombardiers` for the manipulation of the public opinion but are in function of having things examined for the sake of more justice.
Those who have the power, own the mass media and thus employ the army of `laptop bombardiers` whose task is to flood the public by desinformation keeping people`s mind in the dark. It is a luck to have journalists whose laptops do not work as `bombardiers` for the manipulation of the public opinion but are in function of having things examined for the sake of more justice.